18 December 2013

Order the Fear of Unemployment to Sit Down

There are heaps of advices on the internet telling you to be the smiling prince or Cinderella when you’ve just lost a job, by thinking POSITIVELY.  Let me tell you , when unemployment seeps in life,  nothing stays positive, all one desires is to tear the curtain of worldly affairs & run at his/her full speed to hide inside the most loneliest spot on earth.

 “How can one even think of enjoying pizzas and burgers when submerged from head to toe in debts? How can one think of wearing designer brands and go for long drives when the entire day passes searching for a single lucrative job ad? How can one dream of celebrating family members’ birthdays when pockets are empty as an old pot? How can one re-build the inner confidence when everywhere he can see huge billboards of “REJECTION”? And then people talk of smiling during the phase of unemployment! “

The worst part of this entire failure tale is the fear that clings to your bones and brains throughout the span of job hunt. It gives you nervousness fits before you knock another door for an interview. Adrenaline pumps like anything and sweat beads sparkle on forehead just because you have fear of getting rejected once again. For me a person’s inabilities and lack of skills are more small pythons than this word FEAR. It is like a soap that washes away all your talent and self confidence.

Many people often question with grim expressions: how do I overcome this fear?

For me, doing exercise early morning, partying with friends and socializing like a mad man would not completely eradicate this snake from an individual’s soul. One needs to act more smartly in such situations. The only thing that would serve as your confidence saving parachute is your “brain”. No human being on this earth can snatch away the power of your brain from you.

In such times of sheer agony so many of you would make imaginative webs of commencing your own business, do not consider it a foolishness resulting from mental stress. Who knows you might end up finding a diamond from the rubbish can. If your brain compels you to try executing for once ‘your childhood dream’ do not discard the notion. It is at times better to set a new track instead of following the pied piper lead.

Fighting Unemployment
Fighting Unemployment: Stockvault


What else really matters is maintaining relationships with friends and family. Most of the times people enclose themselves in igloos of isolation when such financial turmoil occurs, THAT IS COMPLETELY INCORRECT! You need to spit the flavor of negativity that rises like steam inside your structure. That does not by any chance mean you get into fights with your spouse or bellow wildly over kids but a TALK will be wonderful enough.  If you don’t do that you will become a pendulum swinging in and out of depression phases. Take for instance a small situation. You are in dark room, where all you can see is darkness and all you can hear is rasping of your own breathe, out of nowhere an evil face pops in front of you. What would you do, stay still and smile at the monster?  Noooooo! You will shout till your lungs explode. This is fear coming out in the form of voice. If you don’t do that your heart will stop beating and you will fall dead on the floor! So you need to take it out, just try, words will spill out eventually.

Emotions + intelligence= weapon to fight rejection:

Then comes the worst part: rejection! I know how painful it is to drag feet along the busy alleys of a big office to search for the exit. With slumped shoulders, suppressed anger and one more stamp of disappointment, the academic and experience file in hand weighs a billion tons. At this point of time you feel like a worthless penny that can’t even buy the lowest quality candy in exchange. Here your mind power is needed the most. Also known as EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE, this fusion of brain and raw emotions will drag you out of this phase of hurt ‘self confidence’. What you need to do in these times is hit a FLASH BACK. Go home, empty all your closets, and search for your tiny achievements. You might have received a silver or gold medal in grade two or three for winning a race. A teacher gave you a souvenir for being the best performer of the month. You won a tournament for your school, college or university. Your kid gave you a card for being the best MOM/DAD of the world. Let the nostalgia of happiness sink in your soul and relish the feeling of self elevation. These events and their essence will water your wilting hopes and you will undoubtedly feel a new wave of enthusiasm wash over your inner self.


When we fall in such troubles, we blame nature for throwing hardships on our way only and the entire world seems to be enjoying the ride meanwhile. That is not the case; people wear masks that conceal their inner pains and sufferings. The best advice is that you buy one for yourself as well.

Once you have worked in the garage of self-repairing pick up the tools to build a pile of contacts and connections. This is not a method to combat fear but even when you are unemployed your network will throw at you one or more opportunity time to time. It is not necessary that you get a straight hit to the position of a CEO or top manager but trivial opportunities shall also be considered a blessing.

Finally I believe what really is important in the achievement of all these objectives is FAITH- have faith that life is an uneven path for everyone. Nobody gets food in a platter without striving for it. So the norm is valid for you as well, things will change; you just need to prevent yourself from a deadly fall and keep moving on …

Jasmine Peyton has a bottomless hunger for reading and writing which she fulfills at Dissertation Palace where she offer academic writing assistance to clients, mostly learners.