Showing posts with label saving money in college. Show all posts
Showing posts with label saving money in college. Show all posts

16 July 2013

Being a Green College Student

The idea is everywhere. Being “green” is as important as ever and everyone wants to do things to be less wasteful and help the environment. However, what if you are on a college student budget and can’t afford that new top of the line hybrid vehicle? Here are something you can do to be a “green” college student AND save yourself some money in the process.


Make the switch! Traditional textbooks are not only heavy and a pain to try and lug around, but they are expensive and will put a huge strain on your pocketbook. Transitioning from traditional textbooks to online textbooks and course materials will not only lighten your load, but they will save you a significant amount of money. Renting etextbooks compared to buying its traditional hard cover or paperback counterpart will in most cases reduce your textbook costs by half. 

The environment also benefits from etextbooks. A common occurrence with textbooks is that a new edition will be released and often times the new edition will contain only grammatical or spelling corrections and not actually any new material or information. This is a huge waste of paper and trees, especially when there are five or even nine editions of a particular text. An etextbook on the other hand doesn’t require any additional paper or printing to release its newest edition. It is just digitally updated instantly. 
Recycle: Stockvault

The 3 R’s and Paper

Unfortunately there’s not much you can do to get around using paper. You are a student after all, and some teachers will require you to do assignments on paper or do an essay that requires you to print it out and hand it in. However, you can reduce the amount you use. For instance, even if your professor wants a printed copy of your assignment, don’t write out your first, second, and third drafts. Do all your drafting, editing, and revising on a computer or laptop and only print out the final draft, the one you will end up turning in.

You don’t just want to use less paper though. Reuse old paper. Before you through the paper in the recycle bin make sure both sides have been used up. If one side is blank, you can use it as scratch paper for figuring out math problems for example. Post-It’s cost money. Instead take that piece of
paper that has once side blank and cut it in half twice. Do that with several sheets and staple them together. Now you have a scratch pad for jotting down quick memos, and it didn’t cost anything to make it!

Of course, once a piece of paper has been used completely make sure it goes in that blue recycle bin instead of the trash can. Once it’s full just take it down to your local recycling center.


So you already know you can’t go splurge on a brand new hybrid vehicle, but there are other ways to go green while saving money instead of spending it. If you live close enough to campus walk or ride a bicycle to class. You won’t be contributing to pollution, you will be saving money on gas, and you will be improving your health with exercise. 

If you live farther away however, you might need alternative transportation. Instead of driving your own car, you can ride the bus. Again you will be cutting back the amount of automobile pollution and saving money. Many places offer student discounts for monthly bus passes. Pay a onetime fee at the beginning of the month and have unlimited access to bus rides. 

Another option you have is getting to know others on campus with similar schedules and setting up a carpool. If you were able to get enough people to join in, you could end up driving only once or twice a week.

15 April 2011

Is it Better to Buy Textbooks or Rent Them?

 This is a guest post from bookace:

Is it better to buy textbooks or rent them?

Although a student might at first enjoy the idea of going to college, this soon changes when they have to buy textbooks; most to-be college students looking to buy textbooks have no idea how expensive this can be. Some are known to cost more than $200 themselves! But there IS a way to get cheap textbooks; you can rent them! Students nowadays have access to the facilities needed for renting textbooks for extremely low prices. Renting textbooks can keep you from having to buy textbooks carrying price tags of hundreds of dollars. This is more beneficial than even buying used textbooks as even though the prices of those are low relative to the prices of brand new books, they aren’t so low either.

Renting textbooks is the new trend for saving money in the college society and the number of people doing this keeps increasing every day. Students usually need textbooks only for the duration of the semester. This is where the rental system’s benefit comes in; students can rent textbooks (for a fraction of the price they would have to pay if they buy textbooks) for the duration of the semester and send them back to the company after the semester is over. No worrying about how to resell out of date books.

Here’s the exact procedure of renting textbooks; step one is searching the lenders’ listing to see what books they have available for renting. Any rental company would have a very diverse listing for many subjects. Make sure to compare textbooks with other companies to find the best prices! The next step is to select the time period you want the book for. After you are done with selecting the books and time period, you can actually go ahead and buy textbooks you need- you can use a credit/debit card to pay. The books will arrive in your mail after several days. Once you are done with using them, you can mail them back to the company which will pay for the shipping.

There are lots of websites out there that can lend books to fit whatever course you might be taking. The benefits you receive when you rent over when you buy textbooks are almost endless; you’ll save money, effort and time. It’s also very convenient as you need only a computer with internet to buy textbooks and wherever you have that, you can rent textbooks online; no matter whether it’s your dorm room, home or your seat in a bus with a laptop with you! No queues to wait in and no pushy students or stubborn cashiers to deal with.

There are lots of students from institutions countrywide who rent rather than buy textbooks. This is one reason for those competitive prices. The amount you’ll save per semester can be averaged to about $250, but this can change vastly between colleges, courses and semesters.

So with these in your mind, you can think why you would want to buy textbooks you would be using only for several months rather than rent them anymore, wasting your parents hard earned money.